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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Setting time and place

1) a) According to the text what makes this place special is that people in here don`t care about the things that are happening apart from what happens in Maycomb Country and that there is segregations between poor and rich people and coloured and white ones
b) What things I think are universal are the discrimination that happens in there. Also I think that  the way people looked at how much they earn or have before getting involved with them.
c) I think that nowadays there is less racist problems than at that time, but this doesn´t. mean there are not. But I also think people still look at the social status of a person before getting involved with them

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


In the last years the media have been the centre of our culture, the main canal of information in our time and, therefore, media can be considered the pillar of globalization. And for this reason many people have been asking themselves does society control the media or is the media controlling us? You may think that what you see on TV or on the newspapers may not have such an impact in your daily life or in your way of thinking, but is this completely true?; do media have this capacity to shape people according to what is the medium message? Through this essay I will be discussing the possible answer to these questions.
First if it’s true that media can control people thoughts and action in what we can see this? A clear example of the impact that the media has in us are advertisements, because advertisements are made to, to “convince” the audience that they should buy their products. But what they are really doing is controlling people thoughts by introducing in their minds catchy phrases and images that would make them buy their product. This is what ads try to do on people: that they should thing their services are the best and that they should use them, this is clearly a way where the media is controlling the way people is thinking.
Also the impact that the media has in the way that people is thinking is the news. When you see the new in TV the information that the announcer is giving is changing the way you are thinking. The human mind is like a computer, it works according to the information that it has. So when you are seeing something in the new that’s false but the news show this as something that entirely real and gives facts to give the new veracity, you as a person is going to think this false information is true and it may have change your way of thinking. Example of this is when a country is under a dictatorial government. You may be thinking what’s this has to do with media; it is visible that in a dictatorship one of the first things that the government take control of is all type of informational mediums because of the impact they have in society. In a dictatorship one of the worst things they want to have is an ideology that goes against the dictatorship this is way in this case the government censors the media and gives false news in some cases so they could shape people into what they like.
 There are many cases of people that were people that supported the dictatorship but when this government ended and they notify the abuses the dictatorships did to some people they wish they never had thought that the dictatorship was good.  A real case of this is what happened in Chile during the “Golpe de Estado” of Augusto Pinochet where many Chileans claim the dictatorial government, but they did not realized that the government was breaking the humans rights of many people along the country, as Guillermo Ramirez said to tv 13 referring to the violation of the humans right during the military government “Había gente que trabajó en el gobierno de Pinochet y nunca vio nada" “There were people that worked in Pinochet´s government that never saw nothing”.
On the other hand there you also can say that the media do not control our thought as the previous arguments said. What it is said to support this idea is that at last we are the one who decide what to think and to do, so in this case the media does not have a control of our mind because we are free to think what we want to, and if we saw an advertisement we are not necessarily going to buy this product and if we do is because we decided to buy it not cause the media told us to do it.

In conclusion after seeing the different point of view to answer the initial questions of the essay I think that the media does have a really important impact in the way society thinks. But of course I also share that we as persons have the last word, the media is huge factor to consider when we ask ourselves what the way society sees the world. So finally I can say I think that the media has the capacity to control minds.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Argumentative Essay

Theme: All water resources should be controlled by the government

1) The government has the duty of controlling the access and the distribution of water in the countries and is working.
2)  For my it is not negative that private enterprizes manage the water resources they have their rights
3) I thing there should be a special tax to this companies
In this essay I´m going to refer if it´s is necessary for a government to control the complete function that has the extraction of water instead if a private company.
4) las empresas tienen fines de lucro, es lo mas negativo que le veo a que lo manejen privados
5)pese a que si el gobierno

Thursday, 9 July 2015


Virginia Wolf

During the end of the 1800s in the city of London, in England, there was born a woman that would change the perspective of literature in that time. Her name was Virginia Wolf, who born in a middle class family. From the moment she was a child she felt the difference between man and women as she saw how her brothers went to school and university while she remained at home. This would make her later one of the main feminist in literature on her age.

Virginia was the centre of the modern literature (Bloomsbury), as Eliot describes in his obituary for Virginia. “Without Virginia Woolf at the centre of it, it would have remained formless or marginal…With the death of Virginia Woolf; a whole pattern of culture is broken.” The Bloomsbury Group was the literature circle that Virginia had that started meeting for ‘Thursday Evenings’ at Gordon Square, London in 1906, o later be called as the unofficial “Bloomsbury Group”.

In the literature of Virginia there was a change of the perspective of people. As Virginia said once, people in the Victorian era were different of people nowadays. That is why her stile and character had a new undertone different than the ones in her time. This happened mainly because of the influence of the end of the Victorian era and the catastrophic scenes of the First World War, adding that she had a tough childhood.

Despite these achieves obtained by Virginia Wolf she committed suicide in January of 1941. This happened because she had several mental problems that caused her being unstable mentally. This illness probably occurred because of the traumas of her childhood, the soon death of her parents and her more close brother, and also being raped by her half-brother. A sad end for a revolutionary. 

Monday, 13 April 2015

Task 1

I was sitting on my desk in English classes, when my teacher started talking about the mass media and the impact of the media in our life. Then our teacher, to give us an idea of what media is she gave us some examples, between those examples she named blogs. I classmate of mine raised his hand and asked the teacher why blogs are count as mass media if no one uses them, especially young people. I was surprised with the reaction of my partner, but in a certain way I felt he was right. I didn´t know anybody of my age that has the habit of blogging. Intrigued with the blog issue, when I got home that day, I searched about the state of blogs nowadays and what I found an article that was about the decay of blogs in the society. The author of the articles said that blogs had reached their saturated point of popularity and that the main reason of the declination of blogs popularity was that the younger generations moved on to another types of media, like Facebook or Twitter (in the year 2006 a 50% of the younger users of blogs (12 to 25 years old) end up their use and accounts of blogs). Therefore, I am writing this blog entry to motivate the use of blog in young people by explaining to them the benefits, why they are useful and what the things you can do in blogs. I choose a blog entry because it represents the theme I am supporting and I also choose it cause I think a should be an example to follow for the youth, by doing a blog entry.
Blog Entry
Blog may be something odd for young people nowadays, but once it was popular for a big variety of ages. Between the years 2000 and 2006 blogs was the “gold age” for blogs, at that time blogging was something more common for the youth than what it is today. The youth of these days are not in the habit of blogging, this habit of using blogs as something common is lost in the new generation. So, why blogs loosed popularity in young people? This is because people moved on to another types of media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, in other. One of the reasons people moved to other media was that they didn’t see any benefits by blogging so they stop using them.
There are many benefits and things that you can do in blogs the platform of blogs open you a world of possibilities. Blogs are very useful to start a business, in a blog you can build up a name for your new company. In blogs you can upload advertisements of your company and you can also make blog your company homepage or put links to yours company main page in blogs, so people can know what you company does, the services that you give and the products you have. Blogs are also useful to make insight (is when you build an emotional link between your company and the consumers). Insight is one of the best ways you can get your company known by people, insight is also useful to make people prefer your products than others, not because there are better or cheaper, but because they fell in touch with your company, that’s what insight does. Therefore, if you want to run a company blogs can make you success in easier way.
Blogs are also useful to share your personal vague. If you want to share to the world what is happening to you or what you are thinking blogs are a very viable path. In a blog you can upload whatever you like, you can make blog your personal diary or a trip dairy. If you are young and you feel that no one hears you and understands how you feel with blogs you can get in touch with people that think and feel like you. Your blog can be your way to express yourself the world. You can upload funny things, if you like writing or drawing you can post your work in your blog so people all around the world, and if your blog goes viral you can win money with it, by uploading cap chats of advertisements of companies that would pay you greats amounts of money for each visit your blog has.
If you like journalism you can blog your own news. You can make blog your “newspaper” there you can share whatever kind of news you like; you can upload news of your neighbourhood or bigger news of national or international level. The good thing that a blogs have for the writer is that there is no censorship. In newspapers there is an editor line that controls what is being published in the newspaper; instead in blog you are freer of expression. Apart of writing news you can also comment news or acts. In blogs you are free to give your opinion about the news and acts, your opinion as a common people may be interesting for the reader. Writing new in blog can open you a path into professional journalism, and it gives you a great experience of what is being journalist.
Blogs is a place where you can share your knowledge to the world. In a blog you can upload information about a scientific area. You can blog scientific articles, essays, investigations, etc. In a blog you can make a discussion of scientifically important issues. You can make your blog your personal Encyclopaedia by posting what you have been learning in classes or by yourself and then share it with your public.
Young people thing that blogs are not important in the media, but they are important. Blog is a way where the news and info are not controlled or censored, in blogs you have a free speech, so you can say thing in there without fear. Blog help “desmonopolizate” the media, so that people don´t have only one perspective of the whole story. Blogs, I think, are like the media that the people control, there is full transparency and there are no political and social differences, blogs are for everyone they are free to be used.
In conclusion there are benefits that you can get by blogging, and blog can be very useful for the youth to win money, start a company, and share your opinion or life. And that it is important for the society that the new generations are open to integrate blog to their life style, so that this important media doesn´t lose against the others media.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Activity 3.7

Make it plausible: The author writes a letter about Irish English, and he says he wrote a letter to make it more real and therefore more interesting to read.

Be knowledgeable:  The uses of names such as "James Joyce" and "J.M. Synge" shows that the author knows about the topic, also how he refers to articles of the Constitution represents his knowledge of the theme.

Keep it Relevant to Anglophone Culture: The letter and rationale are clearly referring to topic relative with the United Kingdom.

Know the right conventions for the text type: the author knows how to write a letter properly.