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Thursday, 15 May 2014


Prime Minister David Cameron
Downing Street 10

Dear Mr Cameron

I am writing to express my cocern about the consecuences of the murders of the called Bloody Sunday. I understand that the some people want to take the soldiers that murder that people to justice.

I am particulary concerned about what soldiers are going to be condemn to prision. The soldiers had orders of their supiriors to open fire if they saw a protestan doing something weird or danger for the people ( in the protest and out of it). It is important to recognise the principal guilty is are the supiriors that were in charge of the operation of the Bloody Sunday, but some soldiers were as guilty as them. Some soldiers opened fire with no reson, only one (private T) open fire because a protestant was hurting onather. Aside if this soldier, the other ones a must be hited with all the wieght of law.
The fact is that the soldiers and supiriors must face the law as they were comun people. The can not be inmune because they were part of the army, they had made a mistake and they have to pay for it. Do you know how it feels to lose a close familiar and bisede to know that the ones who did this are not going to be punisht. People who were not involved in the protest were murder by this soldiers. They were pasing trow that place and were shoot for nothing.

The consequence of this will be very damaging for society. People will not feel save with a soldier at his side because they think the can do anything they wanted with a gun. People will feel that if you are a soldier you can kill anyone and does not have to face the law. Therefore this episode has became a burden for people in North England, I think that if you condemn the soldiers, as it should be, the conflicts on North Ireland will be in under control, people in North Ireland wants justice.

It is for this reasons that I think that the soldiers must be condemn, each one for his case, and that the supiriors must be condemn with even more sentence than the soldiers, because they were the ones in charge of the mision. I think this actions will help the goverment to fortify the relationship beetwen the British goverment and the North Irish people.

Your Sincerely

Felipe Fuentes

Monday, 12 May 2014

Summary of the Bloody Sunday

The events of the events of Bloody Sunday caused shock all across the world. In Dublin, a crowd of protesters burnt the British Embassy in revenge of the events, equally the Bloody Sunday moved young people to join the IRA.

In this event there were many people involved, the army, the rioters and citizens. In terms of the murders the army was the responsible, the key people involved in this case were:

Coronel Wilford

He was directly in charge of all the operation, that had the objective of arrest the rioters. He was in charge to protect the public, arrest the troublemakers and to his troops back to the base unharmed.

The soldiers

In the case of the soldiers there are different cases there someones who fired without a justification, they had no reason to opened fire in that occasion. But as well there are two soldiers that had reason to shoot.

General Sir Robert Ford

He set the strategy of the operation he order the soldier to shoot if there was necessary (but not to kill). The inquiry concluded that he was not responsable of the events happened in the Bloody Sunday, the only thing he did wrong is to send the wrong unit, Para 1, because this unit had the reputation to use excessive violence.

This are the most relevant people involved, there are people that are incent and someones that might be not. The Investigation will said it.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

BraveHeart Review

Directed By: Mel Gibson
Ranting: 4, 5 stars
Braveheart is an epic historical movie directed by Mel Gibson. The movies setting is in Great Brittan, about 800 hundreds years ago, in a time were the English dominations in Scotland, landed a disconfirmation and oppression to the Scottish. The film is narrates the life of William Wallace, one of the most important characters in the Scottish rebellion. He was only a child when the English mudded his father and brother. He had to leave his village and went to live with his uncle. His uncle was concerned about William education, he taught him different language and he travelled Europe with Wallace so he wasn´t an ignorant scot. William returned to his village when he grew up, he left as a child and returned as a man. Wallace was truly in love with this women called Murron, the two were full in love, so they didn´t wait and got married, in secret, because in that time the cruel King of England Longshanks order that the nobles of England can reclaimed the wife for the night they got engaged. William protects his wife as much as he could, but the sheriff of the village killed his wife as a sign of William rebellion. That put Wallace on rage and he and his friends managed to free his village and then with the help of other clans he released most of the village of Scotland and he took position of fortifications of the English’s.

He became a legend in Brittan; he inspires Scotland to fight with England. He united Scottish for one cause, the freedom. He led his army to an impossible victory in the battle of Stirling. The wife of the prince of England was in loved with Wallace and he told him the things the King was going to do, Wallace was always a step forward the King. But not everything was victories for Wallace, in the battle of Falkirk he was betrayed by his compatriots, even the king of Scotland betrayed him. This battle coasted many deaths and Wallace nearly died. When he got healthy, he started a revenged plan. He killed the nobles that betrayed him in the battle. One day Rupert the Bruce (king of Scotland) wanted an audience with Wallace; the king reflected and made paces with Wallace. Wallace agreed to go, but he didn´t know it was a trap even Rupert the Bruce knew about that complot, it was made by the nobles. He was captured and tortured; he could save his life if he said “please mercy”, but instead of that his last words were “freedom”.

This movie is 177 minutes of pure action, suspense and excitement. I totally recommend this movie if you want to have a good time and almost learn something. If you have some travelled in your life this is a movie for you is going to pick up your spirit. This is a movie that shows you everything is possible. 

 "They may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!!"
William Wallace