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Sunday, 30 November 2014
The kite runner analysis
Panel 1
In the picture I can see the Amir spying
his father and Rahim Kahn, in left size of the panel there is a staircase.
Rahim Kahn, that is looking at Amir, and Baba are sitting in a blue and a green
couch and they are having tea. At the back of the panel there is a golden lamp
and a carpet that seems to be expensive. The light of the panel can give us the
idea that it is the afternoon.
The image uses the lights to
express feelings like the dark that’s surrounding Amir express sadness. Baba in
the panel seems to be meditating something and he haven´t notice the presence
of Amir, while Rahim Khan is surprise looking at Amir, Rahim Khan seems to be worried
and at the same time sorry of what Amir had heart in the conversation that he
and Baba were having.
Panel 2
There is Baba with a pipe in the
hand finally noticing Amir, Amir is supported in the staircase looking at Baba,
behind Amir there are some furniture like a closet and a curtain. In the
picture I can see that Baba is surprised about Amir´s presence while Amir is in
the back of the room surrounded by darkness his face reflects deception and
sadness, he seems to be touched by something. He probably was hurt by something
Baba had said.
Panel 3
Amir is running out of the house
and crying at the same time, Rahim Khan stood up to follow Amir while Baba is comfortably
sited in the couch. For me Amir seems to be very sad, and he can’t hold his
tears and he runs because he is embarrassed. Rahim Khan seems to understand
Amir feeling and he wants to comfort him. Baba seems to not care about the
Panel 4
In this panel I can see Hassan and
his father, which are wearing poor clothes, staring at Amir while they are
working cleaning the entrance of the house. Amir is running outside of the
house in what it seems to be the front garden. It is a sunny day and the
entrance of the house has neat grass. The house is big, of a wealthy family.
Amir is very sad and lost in his thought he has barely saw Hasan and his father
looking at him.
Panel 5
The panel show us Hasan and his
father. They are both holding his brooms, and at the same time Hassan´s father
is holding Hassan. Hassan is worried about Amir, he wanted to go to comfort
Amir but his father stopped him, in his father his expression I think what he
is thinking is let him solved on his own.
Panel 6
Amir is running and Rahim is
following him he tries to stop him to leave. There is just one step behind the
front gate. Rahim says that what Amir heard was no what his father meant,
Rahim wants to solve this thing with Amir, but Amir things his father hates him
because of his mom dying when he born. I think Rahim appreciates Amir and he
take care of him and want him to be happy.
Panel 7
In this panel we can see Amir and
Rahim, Rahim kneads Amir’s head. Rahim is surprised about what Amir had says he
doesn’t understands that. I think Rahim is more a father to Amir than Baba because
he is more close to him than what Baba is, and Baba is too rude to Amir, he demands
him too much.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Universal Theme: Family
Holden learned that his sister was more matured than what he thought, and that his brother was coming to Christmas this year, for his surprise. He at first don't accept his family and says he hates his family and he says that there all phonies except phoebe, but then when he realize D.B is coming home for christmas he kind of change his mind. Also when Holden arrives to his home, he found the place so familiar and he liked that and he starts to miss his home.
Holden learned that his sister was more matured than what he thought, and that his brother was coming to Christmas this year, for his surprise. He at first don't accept his family and says he hates his family and he says that there all phonies except phoebe, but then when he realize D.B is coming home for christmas he kind of change his mind. Also when Holden arrives to his home, he found the place so familiar and he liked that and he starts to miss his home.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Global Warming is the main environmental problem facing us nowadays?
In this essay I will be discussing if global warming is a real problem that facing us today. This is an issue very controversial nowadays in all kind of social and educational levels, such as common people, scientists, businessmen's and politicians. I will examine the arguments in favor to the motion and the ones against it. For people who don´t know what global warming is, it can be summarised in a process that makes the earth to increase the global temperature.
Firstly why this issue is considered the main environmental problem facing us today? That´s asimple question to ask, according to About News, scientific have proves that determined that humans activities have had a directly impact in the atmosphere of the planet earth, that causes that the earth temperature is increasing dramatically in the last century. So why does this represents such an important problem for the planet and the living organism, thats because this change in the temperature of the planet is can change ecosystems that normally are surrounded by woods are becoming dessert because of this change in the temperature, this also affects the agricultural crops, therefore, humans can have shortages of food. According to weather savvy, the desert Sahara has expanded 250 000 squares meters in the last 50 years. There also are people that are continuously studying the poles and they have register a step back of the pole. This are things mankind has to be worried about
In the other hand, according to Charlotte Meredith, global warming is something that we don't have to be worried about. He says global warming is just a natural change of the earth, they say the earth pass through periods of higher and lower temperature and that nowadays were are passing through a period of high temperature, and like in the Ice Age is going to pass. Another people says that the changes of temperature are to low that we don't have to be worried about it. According to Town Hall magazine said that there hasn't been a increase in the temperature of the earth since 1997, so what the magazine is saying that if nowadays there is no global warming, of what we are worried about?
To summarise, on one side someones says that this is a big problem nowadays because is making ecosystem changes in the earth and is making the deserts to expand and the poles to melt. On the other hand some scientific says that this is a period the earth is passing through or that is to minimum to be worried about. In my opinion global arming is the main environmental problem facing us today, because there are proofs that demonstrate that the desserts are expanding and the poles melting, thats something I thing mankind must be completely worried about. To stop this I thing companies have to reduce the emissions of their factories.
Firstly why this issue is considered the main environmental problem facing us today? That´s asimple question to ask, according to About News, scientific have proves that determined that humans activities have had a directly impact in the atmosphere of the planet earth, that causes that the earth temperature is increasing dramatically in the last century. So why does this represents such an important problem for the planet and the living organism, thats because this change in the temperature of the planet is can change ecosystems that normally are surrounded by woods are becoming dessert because of this change in the temperature, this also affects the agricultural crops, therefore, humans can have shortages of food. According to weather savvy, the desert Sahara has expanded 250 000 squares meters in the last 50 years. There also are people that are continuously studying the poles and they have register a step back of the pole. This are things mankind has to be worried about
In the other hand, according to Charlotte Meredith, global warming is something that we don't have to be worried about. He says global warming is just a natural change of the earth, they say the earth pass through periods of higher and lower temperature and that nowadays were are passing through a period of high temperature, and like in the Ice Age is going to pass. Another people says that the changes of temperature are to low that we don't have to be worried about it. According to Town Hall magazine said that there hasn't been a increase in the temperature of the earth since 1997, so what the magazine is saying that if nowadays there is no global warming, of what we are worried about?
To summarise, on one side someones says that this is a big problem nowadays because is making ecosystem changes in the earth and is making the deserts to expand and the poles to melt. On the other hand some scientific says that this is a period the earth is passing through or that is to minimum to be worried about. In my opinion global arming is the main environmental problem facing us today, because there are proofs that demonstrate that the desserts are expanding and the poles melting, thats something I thing mankind must be completely worried about. To stop this I thing companies have to reduce the emissions of their factories.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Larry West. About News. What causes global warning.
Retrieved from http://environment.about.com/od/faqglobalwarming/f/globalwarming.htm
The article is answering the question What causes global warning?. The author is supporting his thoughts by using information scientifically proven. The information collected by the author supports the idea that the humans are producing greenhouse gases, that are produced naturally by the world to keep the earth hot, but humans are producing excessive greenhouse gases that are causing that the earths is getting more hot than normal. This article is useful to understand the principal causes of global warning.
IPPC. Effects of global warming.(2007) National Geographic
Retrieved from http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-effects/
The article, written by a member of National Geographic, is expressing what are the effects in the world of global warming. Besides the temperatures levels are going up all around the world, the consequences in a long period will be changes in the ecosystems, less drinkable water, the levels of the sea will raise, in others. This article is useful to have an idea and a scientific support to write my article about the global warming as the main environmental problem facing us today.
John Hawkins. Feb 18, 2014. 5 reasons that global warming isn`t happening.
Retrieved from http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2014/02/18/5-scientific-reasons-that-global-warming-isnt-happening-n1796423/page/full
This article, written by John Hawkins, is clearly against that the global warming is happening now a days. The article is destroying this motion giving five scientifically proven arguments, like that there hash`t been a global warming since 1997, there is no scientific consensus that global warming is occurring or that is doused by men activity or that predictions about the impact of global warming have already been proven wrong. This article helps to have know the point of view against the issue.
Charlotte Meredith. Express. 100 reasons why climate change is natural
Retrieved from http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/146138/100-reasons-why-climate-change-is-natural
In this article, the author is giving 100 reasons to convince the readers, that global warming is a natural process, that the earth is passing trough a period of warming. The author gives many reasons, to name one of them he says that the investigations that said that global warming is a cause of human activity is hasn't been scientifically proven. This research can help me to have some arguments against my point of view to have a more complete essay.
Retrieved from http://environment.about.com/od/faqglobalwarming/f/globalwarming.htm
The article is answering the question What causes global warning?. The author is supporting his thoughts by using information scientifically proven. The information collected by the author supports the idea that the humans are producing greenhouse gases, that are produced naturally by the world to keep the earth hot, but humans are producing excessive greenhouse gases that are causing that the earths is getting more hot than normal. This article is useful to understand the principal causes of global warning.
IPPC. Effects of global warming.(2007) National Geographic
Retrieved from http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-effects/
The article, written by a member of National Geographic, is expressing what are the effects in the world of global warming. Besides the temperatures levels are going up all around the world, the consequences in a long period will be changes in the ecosystems, less drinkable water, the levels of the sea will raise, in others. This article is useful to have an idea and a scientific support to write my article about the global warming as the main environmental problem facing us today.
John Hawkins. Feb 18, 2014. 5 reasons that global warming isn`t happening.
Retrieved from http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2014/02/18/5-scientific-reasons-that-global-warming-isnt-happening-n1796423/page/full
This article, written by John Hawkins, is clearly against that the global warming is happening now a days. The article is destroying this motion giving five scientifically proven arguments, like that there hash`t been a global warming since 1997, there is no scientific consensus that global warming is occurring or that is doused by men activity or that predictions about the impact of global warming have already been proven wrong. This article helps to have know the point of view against the issue.
Charlotte Meredith. Express. 100 reasons why climate change is natural
Retrieved from http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/146138/100-reasons-why-climate-change-is-natural
In this article, the author is giving 100 reasons to convince the readers, that global warming is a natural process, that the earth is passing trough a period of warming. The author gives many reasons, to name one of them he says that the investigations that said that global warming is a cause of human activity is hasn't been scientifically proven. This research can help me to have some arguments against my point of view to have a more complete essay.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Maximus reveals his name to Comudus and the crowd of the Coliseum, Maximus
leaves proudly the Arena saying nothing. Besides Comudus is astonished , he
never expected that Maximus, the men that he ordered to kill a long time ago
was there in front of him and he can’t do anything against him, because the
people supports Maximus known as the Spaniard. Comudus finally leaves the Arena
with the head down. He goes into the corridors of the Coliseum. He stops in
front of a stone door, he opened the door and entered to a room, that has only
a table in the middle and two sits. In the shadows of the room a person was
waiting for the Emperor.
Comudus: ‘Hitting
the table with anger’ How could this happened, I remember that I said clearly “kill
him”; I felt the people and him were laughing at me, it was the embarrassing
thing that had ever happened to me. And what do I have to do now? I can kill
him, or else the people will hate me more than what they do now.
Adviser: My
lord, I suggest you make a strategy to decrease the popularity of this
gladiator. You can make bad advertising of the Spaniard, spread rumours.
But that would not necessarily make me more popular to the people. And anyway,
how can I kill him without making the people anger.
Adviser: ‘Walking
around the room’ If you want to be more popular you can give away bread and other
foods to the people, they would by happy with, the people is easy to satisfy.
The other problem is even easier; you can challenge him to a battle that’s something
he will not reject.
But what if he kills me I can be sure that I will succeed in the battle.
Adviser: ‘Smiling’
That will be not a problem, before the battle you have to order someone to make
him a lethal injury, so when he enters to the arena he will be weak and about
to die, there is no a reason chance that you can lose.
Comudus: ‘Smiling
with wickedness’ So what are we waiting to put out the plan.
‘Comudus and
the adviser leave the room’
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tecnology Story
Hunting in Africa
Oce upon a time a short time a go, there were two friends who's names were Charlie, Jungi and Carmona. They were in a hunting trip through Africa. They were planing to stay 3 weeks in Africa hunting elefants, but they didn't knew there lifes would chance for ever because of the errrors of tecnology. As any other day the group of friends started their natural road across the sabana, of course they had a Savnat that guieded their trip. After hunting a a pair of elefants they started they way back to their hut, but their Savnat was out of battery. They couldn´t found the way of the sabana, they walked in circules. Sudenly a lyon jumped out of now where and lethal injured Charlie, he died instantenely. In the descesperation and hungry of Jungi and Carmona they ate Charlie to survive. The days and the weeks passed a way and Jungi murdered Carmona when he was sleping and he finally ate him. The body´s of Charlie and Carmona where found 5 years later, but Jungi was never found any more. The legend says he stills lives in the sabana and he murdered and ate everybody who tries to pass trough the sabana.
Sunday Bloody Sunday Activity
Word Menings
Word Menings
Prosecute:Institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a persons or organazation)
Prospect: The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
Flee:To run away, as from trouble or danger
Cherry picking: to choose or take the best or most profitable of (a number of things), esp for one's own benefit or gain.
Ste in a train: if you set in train an activity or an event, you make it begin.
Devolution: A passing down or descent through successive stages of time or a process.
Aftermarch: The time after the manifestations.
What do you thing the Bloody Sunday is?
A thing the Bloody Sunday is a day were many people were murder by cold blood.
Aftermarch: The time after the manifestations.
What do you thing the Bloody Sunday is?
A thing the Bloody Sunday is a day were many people were murder by cold blood.
1.- What is David Cameron’s opinion about Bloody Sunday?
David Cameron the prime minister of Great Britain said he was deeply sorry of what happened, that it was completely wrong that should never happen again.
2.- Why do you think this case has been so controversial for so long?
I think it was controversial and stills being controversial now a days because the people that were muerdered with cruelty and violeting human rights, and the ones that had done this are not in prison or even condenned.
3.- Why has it taken so long to decide whether or not to prosecute the soldiers?
Because there are not enough evidence to condem this soldiers, after all there have past 40 years after the accident
4. What was Northern Ireland’s position towards this case?
Northen Irland wants justice after what had happened, the want justice.

Steve Jobs Docomuntiry
I. Vocabulary
What is the meaning of the following words?
Geek: A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy.
Tribute: An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.
Reverberate: Be repeated several times as an echo.
Visionary:Given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views,orschemes.
Glimpse: A very brief, passing look, sight, or view
Misfit:A person who is not suited or is unable to adjust to the circumstances of his or her particular situation
Prototype: The original or model on which something is based or formed.
Tribute: An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.
Reverberate: Be repeated several times as an echo.
Visionary:Given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views,orschemes.
Glimpse: A very brief, passing look, sight, or view
Misfit:A person who is not suited or is unable to adjust to the circumstances of his or her particular situation
Prototype: The original or model on which something is based or formed.
II. Say if the following statements are true or false:
- Steve never betrayed a friend: T
- He has inspired the youngest generation: T
- If he needed a friend he would do anything for him: F
- It was difficult to smile in a conversation with him: T
III. Answer the following questions
When did Steve Jobs die?
How did he die?
He died of pancreatic cancer
What was the impact of his death?
The dead of Steve Jobs was shocking for some people, he was very important and famous, he litteraly has formed what society is now.
What tributes did he receive?
People were showing candles and flowers in the inventions that he has done, like Ipads or Iphones
According to Jobs: What fact makes you realize that the world is more than what you were taught? Explain
That the things that are around you were invented by people that were not even smarter than you, and if they could made chance, why can you make them.
Where did Steve J. spend his childhood?
In San Francisco
What did Jobs and Fernandez do together?
They talk about some electronical proyects
Who introduced S. Jobs to S. Wozniak?
What was the first invention together? How did it work?
They made what it was called a Electronic kit, is like a telephone, that can make free calls all around the world.
How did Robert Cringely meet both Steves?
They meet each other in a parking lot.
What happened to Apple 1 in 2010?
It was auctioned.

What was Ronald Wayne’s participation in Apple’s early days?
He was the reefery in the fights that the Steve's had.
In what ways was calligraphy important in Job’s life?
The calligraphy was important for the aesthetics of his products
What did Jobs do after dropping out of college?
He went to India to study Buddhism
Why was he interested in Zen Buddhism?
He wanted to know the truth of nature.
What company develop the first prototype mouse?
What materials were used in the first Apple prototype mouse?
A deodorant ball and a butterdish.
What was the impact of his death?
The dead of Steve Jobs was shocking for some people, he was very important and famous, he litteraly has formed what society is now.
What tributes did he receive?
People were showing candles and flowers in the inventions that he has done, like Ipads or Iphones
According to Jobs: What fact makes you realize that the world is more than what you were taught? Explain
That the things that are around you were invented by people that were not even smarter than you, and if they could made chance, why can you make them.
Where did Steve J. spend his childhood?
In San Francisco
What did Jobs and Fernandez do together?
They talk about some electronical proyects
Who introduced S. Jobs to S. Wozniak?
What was the first invention together? How did it work?
They made what it was called a Electronic kit, is like a telephone, that can make free calls all around the world.
How did Robert Cringely meet both Steves?
They meet each other in a parking lot.
What happened to Apple 1 in 2010?
It was auctioned.
What was Ronald Wayne’s participation in Apple’s early days?
He was the reefery in the fights that the Steve's had.
In what ways was calligraphy important in Job’s life?
The calligraphy was important for the aesthetics of his products
What did Jobs do after dropping out of college?
He went to India to study Buddhism
Why was he interested in Zen Buddhism?
He wanted to know the truth of nature.
What company develop the first prototype mouse?
What materials were used in the first Apple prototype mouse?
A deodorant ball and a butterdish.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Prime Minister David Cameron
Downing Street 10
Dear Mr Cameron
I am writing to express my cocern about the consecuences of the murders of the called Bloody Sunday. I understand that the some people want to take the soldiers that murder that people to justice.
I am particulary concerned about what soldiers are going to be condemn to prision. The soldiers had orders of their supiriors to open fire if they saw a protestan doing something weird or danger for the people ( in the protest and out of it). It is important to recognise the principal guilty is are the supiriors that were in charge of the operation of the Bloody Sunday, but some soldiers were as guilty as them. Some soldiers opened fire with no reson, only one (private T) open fire because a protestant was hurting onather. Aside if this soldier, the other ones a must be hited with all the wieght of law.
The fact is that the soldiers and supiriors must face the law as they were comun people. The can not be inmune because they were part of the army, they had made a mistake and they have to pay for it. Do you know how it feels to lose a close familiar and bisede to know that the ones who did this are not going to be punisht. People who were not involved in the protest were murder by this soldiers. They were pasing trow that place and were shoot for nothing.
The consequence of this will be very damaging for society. People will not feel save with a soldier at his side because they think the can do anything they wanted with a gun. People will feel that if you are a soldier you can kill anyone and does not have to face the law. Therefore this episode has became a burden for people in North England, I think that if you condemn the soldiers, as it should be, the conflicts on North Ireland will be in under control, people in North Ireland wants justice.
It is for this reasons that I think that the soldiers must be condemn, each one for his case, and that the supiriors must be condemn with even more sentence than the soldiers, because they were the ones in charge of the mision. I think this actions will help the goverment to fortify the relationship beetwen the British goverment and the North Irish people.
Your Sincerely
Felipe Fuentes
Your Sincerely
Felipe Fuentes
Monday, 12 May 2014
Summary of the Bloody Sunday
The events of the events of Bloody Sunday caused shock all across the world. In Dublin, a crowd of protesters burnt the British Embassy in revenge of the events, equally the Bloody Sunday moved young people to join the IRA.
In this event there were many people involved, the army, the rioters and citizens. In terms of the murders the army was the responsible, the key people involved in this case were:
Coronel Wilford
He was directly in charge of all the operation, that had the objective of arrest the rioters. He was in charge to protect the public, arrest the troublemakers and to his troops back to the base unharmed.
The soldiers
In the case of the soldiers there are different cases there someones who fired without a justification, they had no reason to opened fire in that occasion. But as well there are two soldiers that had reason to shoot.
General Sir Robert Ford
He set the strategy of the operation he order the soldier to shoot if there was necessary (but not to kill). The inquiry concluded that he was not responsable of the events happened in the Bloody Sunday, the only thing he did wrong is to send the wrong unit, Para 1, because this unit had the reputation to use excessive violence.
This are the most relevant people involved, there are people that are incent and someones that might be not. The Investigation will said it.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
BraveHeart Review
Directed By: Mel Gibson
Ranting: 4, 5 stars
Ranting: 4, 5 stars
Braveheart is an epic historical movie
directed by Mel Gibson. The movies setting is in Great Brittan, about 800
hundreds years ago, in a time were the English dominations in Scotland, landed
a disconfirmation and oppression to the Scottish. The film is narrates the life
of William Wallace, one of the most important characters in the Scottish rebellion.
He was only a child when the English mudded his father and brother. He had to leave
his village and went to live with his uncle. His uncle was concerned about William
education, he taught him different language and he travelled Europe with Wallace
so he wasn´t an ignorant scot. William returned to his village when he grew up,
he left as a child and returned as a man. Wallace was truly in love with this
women called Murron, the two were full in love, so they didn´t wait and got
married, in secret, because in that time the cruel King of England Longshanks
order that the nobles of England can reclaimed the wife for the night they got
engaged. William protects his wife as much as he could, but the sheriff of the
village killed his wife as a sign of William rebellion. That put Wallace on
rage and he and his friends managed to free his village and then with the help
of other clans he released most of the village of Scotland and he took position
of fortifications of the English’s.
He became a legend in Brittan; he inspires
Scotland to fight with England. He united Scottish for one cause, the freedom.
He led his army to an impossible victory in the battle of Stirling. The wife of
the prince of England was in loved with Wallace and he told him the things the
King was going to do, Wallace was always a step forward the King. But not
everything was victories for Wallace, in the battle of Falkirk he was betrayed
by his compatriots, even the king of Scotland betrayed him. This battle coasted
many deaths and Wallace nearly died. When he got healthy, he started a revenged
plan. He killed the nobles that betrayed him in the battle. One day Rupert the
Bruce (king of Scotland) wanted an audience with Wallace; the king reflected
and made paces with Wallace. Wallace agreed to go, but he didn´t know it was a
trap even Rupert the Bruce knew about that complot, it was made by the nobles.
He was captured and tortured; he could save his life if he said “please mercy”,
but instead of that his last words were “freedom”.
This movie is 177 minutes of pure action,
suspense and excitement. I totally recommend this movie if you want to have a good
time and almost learn something. If you have some travelled in your life this
is a movie for you is going to pick up your spirit. This is a movie that shows
you everything is possible.
William Wallace
"They may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!!"
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Monday, 21 April 2014
The Catcher in the Rye
Short Story
First of all, my
name is Stradtaler; I am 18 years old, study in Pencey Prep. The rest of my
personal stuffs are not a relevant thing to discuss. Today there was this
important game, the last of the year, between Pencey and Saxon Hall. I watched
the game until half time the game was quite boring so I left the field, anyway
I would had to leave the match because I had to be ready for a date I had in
that afternoon. So I run to my room, which was in Ossenburger Memorial Wing. There
was a pretty cold weather and I was cold until I get to my room. In my room there
where my roommate, Holden two years younger than me and with a special
personality, and this bastard who lives next door, called Ackley. I didn´t
likes Ackley, but for my luck I only said hello to Ackley, considering that he
leaved immediately the room.
So I asked Holden
if he can do me a big favour doing this composition for me. I felt he wasn´t
very enthusiastic to help me out. He answers "I might. I might not"
to every question I asked him, damn how I hate that kind of answer, that’s the
easy way to not get involved in a commitment. He asked me; anyway, what my composition
has to be about. I told him that it has to be about anything descriptive, like
a house, a room or something you lived in. As he didn´t give me a right away
answer, I flattered him a little to make him want to write mi composition, but
he continued saying he might do it or he might not do it, he was a bastard and selfish
as hell, I didn´t like him, but I didn´t hate him too. It wasn´t like me relation
with Ackley, I hate that sonuvabitch.
Holden asked me who
I was dating. I wasn´t in humour to continued talking to him, but as I need him
to do mi composition I had to answer. Equally, I couldn´t said too much about
her I had only meet her that day. Even though I knew a little about her, I knew
she was familiar with Holden, she told me that when I meet her. I didn´t know
how a girl like she can be familiar with Holden. Holden looked surprise, he
asked me about her name. I told him her name was Jane Gallagher, without interest.
In the moment I said her name I saw
excitement reflected in his eyes. Holden said that I was right. He told me
quite enough things about her, but I wasn´t paying attention to what he was
saying, none one seem interesting. The only I can remember now is that her
stepfather used to go around the hole house naked with Jane around, that’s all
I remember and I remember it because I found it funny. I was to concentrated
fixing appearence to played attention to what Holden was saying. After telling
me how they knew each other, he said that he was going down to say hello to her
like ten times, he only said words and did nothing, it was very annoying. He
was paranoiac about this girl; he asked me more details about the date what I planned
to do with her, where I was taking her, etc.
After pretend I
was listening to what he was saying, I was finally going to my date, before I
leaved I told him again to do my composition, he didn´t answer he only asked me
to give Jane his regards (A thing I forgot to do). I´m not feel like going into
details of how my date was. So I guess I´m going to leave my story up to here.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Less homework in English Class
Responsable Department: English Department
During this first month of the school year, we had have at least 3 homeworks of this subject in a week. This this homeworks are in some cases innecesary's and streesfull. We are sofocated with this homeworks, because we don't have time to do them, since we have other subjects homeworks or tests. This excess of homework is perdudicial in ours academic results, as we have to rest time for studying to do the homework. In some cause there even some students that stays awake until 1 or 2 of the morning to complete their homeworks.
If this e-petition is acept Miss Carla will have to give as much 1 homework each week. Small homeworks 2 in a week
Responsable Department: English Department
During this first month of the school year, we had have at least 3 homeworks of this subject in a week. This this homeworks are in some cases innecesary's and streesfull. We are sofocated with this homeworks, because we don't have time to do them, since we have other subjects homeworks or tests. This excess of homework is perdudicial in ours academic results, as we have to rest time for studying to do the homework. In some cause there even some students that stays awake until 1 or 2 of the morning to complete their homeworks.
If this e-petition is acept Miss Carla will have to give as much 1 homework each week. Small homeworks 2 in a week
Thursday, 3 April 2014
British Political History
1.- _True_ In 1066 William of Normandy invaded Britain.
2.- _False_ In the 18th century Britain got stuck with the Irish.
3.- _True_In 1922 Britain kept the southern 6 counties of Ireland.
4.- _True_It is wrongly believed that the Magna Carta was a relative of president Jimmy Carter.
5.- _True_The Magna Carta gave rights to landowners.
6.- _True_ The middle class started to vote in 1832.
7.- _False_Women received their right to vote in 1929.
1.- The Majesty’s government is the name of the British government. Is that name appropriate? Why?
It isn't, because the majesty doesn't rules Britain at all.
2.- What house is most relevant? The Upper house (House of Lords) or The Lower House (House of Commons)? What is the role of each house?
The most relevant house is the The Lower House. The role of the Upper house is to talk about their points of view of the law. The role of the Lower House is to dictate the law, they are elected by the Britain people.
3.- Who are the main political parties?
The main parties are The Conservaties, The Liberals, Democrats and Labour.
4.- Why is Winston Churchill one of the most relevant political figures?
He was the Prime Minister of Britain in the 40s. He was a inspiring leader. He is famous because of the of the two fingers salud that he did went the Second War was over.
5.- What were Churchill, Thatcher and Blair nicknames?
Chrchill: Britain Bulldog
Thatcher: Attila the Hen
1.- The Majesty’s government is the name of the British government. Is that name appropriate? Why?
Because the Majesty doesnt rule Great Britain
Because the Majesty doesnt rule Great Britain
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